Sunday, December 28, 2008

Catching the bug

by nature i'm very out-going and sociable: i try to ingratiate myself to whomever i'm with by being easy going and fun. sometimes it works and sometimes it just puts people off: makes them think i'm being fake when really i'm just too damn enthusiastic.

i've been watching allot of tv, reading allot of books, watching many movies...none of them have cheered me up...well except for Terry. terry does wonders for me and my rain cloud o' sullen.

i want to create something profound so i can feel as if i've GAINED anything from this huge media influx but all i can seem to do is become more and more agoraphobic and eat less food and more Junk. i just watched a patchwork re-creation of the last major season of House and it was wierd. i got the readers digest version of the huge o'er arcing over plot that persists beyond the daily "them's the sickies, make with the fixies" malarkey that keeps the med students interested...i have to say that it was jarring to watch not only my own interest flicker and flare alongside the heart rate monitors little blippy thing but to wonder at how the audience of the season paced display of all this could have much death and antagonism, lost friendships and gained vicadin (this may be a mispelling but the spellcheck here is no help and i'm damned if the government gets to check me for porn AND the proper spelling of controlled substances)...dont read phillip k dick, william gibson, kurt vonnegut, terry pratchett, tom stoppard, jason robert brown, joe conrad and goddamn toni morrison all in the same break that you freebase House with Mr. Brooks and saving private just doesnt mesh.

bah! i'm sleepy and will write more...Later *wooo*

1 comment:

Kiddo said...

Dan, I love you.
You do what I do and feel what I feel about TV. Love/Hate -- totally.

Good things to watch (I have found)

Jean Luc Godard's "Breathless," and "Contempt."

House will do nothing but castrate sensory nodes. These will replenish them.

Also: Malarky. Kudos.